2023.05 VMA

Date: 2023-05-09
Time: 14:00 CEST
Moderator: Leandro
Venue: https://meet.jit.si/RIOT-VMA-2023-05
VMA forum entry: https://forum.riot-os.org/t/virtual-maintainer-assembly-vma-2023-05/3923
Previous VMA pad: https://hackmd.io/y9l8MOKRT7y_a6CqlO_q3A
Previous VMA forum entry: https://forum.riot-os.org/t/virtual-maintainer-assembly-vma-2023-02/3859

Attendees (TBD)

  • Leandro
  • Martine
  • Emmanuel
  • Marian
  • Kevin
  • Jose
  • Teufelchen
  • Benpicco
  • Dylan
  • Kaspar
  • Koen

Note taking: Leandro


  • VMA 2023.08 Moderation - 2min (Leandro)
  • 2023.10 Release Manager - 4min (Leandro)
  • Outlook on upcoming 2023.07 Release - 5min (Ben)?
  • Security mailing list and advisories (Martine, 30min?)
  • Summit 2023: current state of organization and proposals for changes in the agenda/format (Oleg, 10min)
  • 2023.04 Release debrief (Kevin & Jose, 30 mins)
  • RTT issue on samd / stm32, what to do (Kaspar, 15min?)


VMA 2023.08 Moderation

  • Martine offers to do it :)

2023.10 Release Manager

  • Leandro: volunteers?
  • Martine: need to update tool (ben: https://xkcd.com/1987/)
    And the tool says… Kevin or Kaspar
  • Kevin: I had so much fun with this one. If nothing comes up I can do it again
  • Martine: Bennet can help
  • Kevin: Sure!

Outlook on upcoming 2023.07 Release

  • Ben: No dates so far, will come up with something and post. It will be a nice release :)

Security mailing list and advisories

  • Martine: Severeal problems with the security workflow
  1. Martine and Chrysn only readt to the mailing list
  2. When migrated there was a problem to read the emails
  3. Lack of time for so few people
  4. Security advisories brought some confusion
  • Martine: do we want to keep sec. adv.? How do we continue? How do we merge fixess?
  • Maribu: In favor of least effort
  • Martine: Easier is is to use github forks but bypasses CI
  • Maribu: regular PR easier?
  • Martine: Yes!
  • Ben: if we fix something not reported do it normally in PR. The few bugs that are reported should not have special treatment
  • Jose: we had bugs that were not reported.
  • Kaspar: +1 for regular PR
  • Maribu: benefits of other workflows? Do we lose anything?
  • Martine: the ‘theater’ was not big of a deal, bugs were not critical (non important or complex to exploit). But it could happen that more critical bugs are reported like that. Maybe gives more exposure to serious bugs if discussed all in the open.
  • Maribu: I don’t think that doiung all this overhead actually helps. let’s fix ASAP and people can update. When we have issues reports people often have old versions of RIOT.
  • Jose: I think the same, we don’t need to open PRs “Fix security…”. There were issues that were fixed after reported. Would not make a huge difference to go over the whole overhead process.
  • Martine: Will provide PR to fix reports (normal PR)

Summit 2023: current state of organization and proposals for changes in the agenda/format

Oleg not here. Probably can discuss in Forum.

2023.04 Release debrief

  • Kevin: automating release, making it easier. Some topics are:

Should we move to a better commit system (ie. conventional commits)

  • Martine: what do you mean?
  • Jose: more info in the commits that one can extract later. eg major fix, feature, ci…etc. Kind of labels but directly from commits. semmantic commit approach.
  • Martine: adding this to the commmit msg?
  • Jose: yes. there are standards. We may benefit from existing tools on this. We can extract deprecation dates, breaking changes of APIs. Hard to do now. Sometimes we rely on maintainers knowing.
  • Kaspar: I tried conventional commits on some personal projects, they are a pain evrn for one. Think rewriting mosts commits, and many commits don’t match anything useful
  • Ben: there’s not always a clear cut between classifications. we have a limit of characters to the commit messages and this may add too much noise. Not so much value
  • Martine: same here, it is already hard to convince people to use our convention and this may make things harder and scare people.
  • Kevin: conventional commits is just an idea. we have a standard (file paths). We should become more independent from github labels. It could also be in the message body. conventional commits can track breaking changes. We have an issue with labeling bot. Sometimes many categories get set when changing something in PRs.
  • Ben: A/B issue? isn’t the issue that we have to generate the list of commits for the releases? mayube the problem is to have this list. do we need it?
  • Jose: exactly, we should get more useful info for users, the list is not useful.
  • Kevin: script that gets the info in the commits instead of PRs titles. flag in commit to be added to notes? Does anyone think that we should add more info in commits?
  • Martine: for release notes we can have more verbose notes, by adding all the text from the commits
  • Jose: we should add less. it is hard so summarize the key changes on the release. Not clear what breaking changes are and what is important.
  • Ben: Chatgpt?
  • Maribu: merge commits?
  • Kevin: contributers commits
  • Martine: merge commits = PRs
  • Maribu: If it is merge commits, it is one hoop less to jump throw for contributors as we maintainers write that message.
  • Kevin: we want to abstract from GH./ We can encode info in the merge commits. Flag the breaking changes. add this in release notes.
  • Martine: can we do this with labels? we already have them, let’s improve them. Why another system
  • Jose: labels you can remove them. we try to automate them. Labels sometimes are not exact
  • Martine: we have type labels. these need to be added by users
  • Ben: We can add more fine-grained labels
  • Martine: labels have the advantage of adding them at any time by maintainers
  • Jose: Can we enforce this? at least the main category, breaking change?
  • Martine: how?
  • Jose: can’t merge without label
  • Martine: when labels not set, someone needs to check
  • Kevin: check for at least one type of label
  • Martine: unify with colors and prefixes for same types
  • Jose: you miss the time of when things happen
  • Martine: in documentation we have deprecations and their dates
  • Jose: we still have features that should’ve been deprecated and still there
  • Martine: A new system would not fix this
  • Jose: Part of the release script, add to the release notes
  • Kevin: we can use labels, adapt the labels to our needs. Adapt labeler to require a category label in PRs. Regarding deprecations: sometimes we forget to remove things, we need to be better at maintaining this. Maybe script that checks for this?
  • Martine: this needs to be done after the release when the feature is deprecated. Sometimes it’s not so trivial to remove it (e.g. alternative functions) Maybe not so easy to automate.

Paramaterize boards in release specs test, general cleanup

  • Kevin: lots of release spects specify boards. We want to parameterize boards for the tests instead of saying which board should run the test. Anyone against?
    Tumbleweed: Rolling by
  • Kevin: I’ll push this.

Presenting test artifacts

  • Kevin: we have compile and test for board script. we found that boards are failing. We want to add as an asset to the release the results of the secript. It says what the current state for all boards is.

  • Ben: the test script is a bit too simple / brute force, runs many unit tests that are completetly hardware-independent.

  • Ben: actual board tests require some

  • Ben: they are unit tests and simple. Manytimes there are connection issues and reported as test errors. For some tests we need HW connections and running only the script does not provide enough value. We need to improve tests and provide instructions on how to run tests that actually test hardware and boards (e.g. uart gpios,…)

  • Kevin: sometimes we think that some things are HW independent and affec no boards, but sometimes they still fail. Running through the whole suite is not so costly?

  • Ben: false positives negatives are the costs. You can’t tell if there are real issues hiding in the results due to false positives negatives

  • Kevin: running with incremental flags shouls help with that

  • Martine: false positives??

  • Kevin: false negatives! :) we should change our test to prevent false negatives. there’s going to be a spec that says how to setup the board

  • Maribu: that’s make test-with-config

  • Kevin: I agree it’s not always easy to find the bugs, but we should work torwards fixing the flaky tests and we should have more confidence in the boards and the tests that were run on those boards for the release cycle.

  • Maribu: when I run the script I find real bugs. But many times it takes 1 hour per board. around 4 hours for a full cycle. if would optimize we could get the same output in less time. why do we have so many failing tests? I don’t get this so often

  • Kevin: a lot of the false negatives come from the iotlab tests. on local setup (8 boards) had to run multiple times and there were repeateable bugs. I used docker and a toolchain issue is still an issue. I think it’s valuable. We should get it to the point where the valyue is less compared to the time it takes

  • Maribu: our scripts could be improved, sometimes it has the output of the test program and matches. It should check that the flashed app is the correct one. (flashing is working). we need to update the tests when we update the applications, otherwise it’s flaky

  • Kevin: worth doing? attaching the results of the tests to the release?

  • Ben: it makes sense to add selected tests to the release. having 20 tests that actually test the hardware are more valuable than 200 tests of packages.

  • Kevin: we need a flag “only hadware” for running these tests whith the script

  • Martine: the problem with the script defines no configuration, not which configuration

  • Maribu: arduino shield that provides whatever the test requires for a lot of tests (e.g. wiring)

  • Kevin: phillip! meant for the peripheral tests

  • Maribu: it would be super cool! Even just a connection eg between RX and TX for uart would help. Phillip would even be better because it would catch wrong UART communication parameters (e.g. symbol rate not as configured) that a “loopback wire” woudldn’t

  • Kevin: OK :D attaching results to release?

  • no strong opinions

Moving the automated release specs tests into main RIOT repo to encourage more testing

  • Jose: many of the release tests are integration tests that we can’t run everyday in the RIOT repo. Why have them separated?
  • Martine: they are more release specific. The weekly run was an experiment. But nothing speaks against moving the tests and specs to RIOT as a subdir.
  • Jose: we can now run this in a weekly bases
  • Jose: can we move them to the RIOT repo?
  • Martine: yes (and we do already weeklies; also for test-on-iotlab and test-on-ryot)!
  • Martine: we can just move them like we dis with the apps repo. just a subtree in RIOT repo
  • Kevin: deprecation process
  • Leandro: let’s separate removing flanky tests and migration
  • Kevin: ok let’s move them
  • Martine: In last 4 weeks no failures at all! :tada:
  • we move them to RIOT

Better method of deprecation, more than reading through doxygen (we could just grep for deprecations commits if we had convetional commits)

  • Jose: how do we treat deprecations? there’s docs but we always fail to deprecate and remove features timely
  • Martine: scroll through the list manually: https://doc.riot-os.org/deprecated.html
  • Jose: hard to track
  • Martine: do release managers feel responsible for deprecated features from other releases?
  • Leandro: current rmanager should be responsible
  • Kevin: I tried deprecating xtimer but it was complicated and takes time. You can;t ask the manager to do the removal but push to get it done
  • Martine: deprecation is always after the release. When I do the release I cleanup deprecations. It should be documented in the release manager wiki page
  • => current release manager pushes to remove deprecated features and do cleanup of deprecated features
  • Kevin: the goal are continous releases where no one has to do anything

Release notes generation could be improved since things that should be, say pkg, are tagged as boards, requires lots of manual checking

  • Kevin it was an OK release!

RTT issue on samd / stm32,

  • Maribu: My highlevel understanding of the issue Kaspar wants to pick up is: HW sucks and we add sugar on top to make it work. for stm32 this will likely work, for samd HW is broken beyond repair. If we don’t use RTT we don’t have the time penalty but don’t have low power. For samd we can’t have realtime with low power. The best would be to fix the timer in samd with some magic. It will lock the system for some cycles when RTT is written, not even interrupts. Unacceptable long. What to do? Picking the RTT as default for all timer msec in platforms. Mark platforms where the RTT does not work?
  • Leandro: remove feature?
  • Maribu: Would prevent low power. Which now works (if not caring for real time)
  • Ben: we can’t full automate the standby mode. We use RTT when we go to sleep for a long time in our case. We would only use the standby mode when sleeping for long times (seconds or minutes). Then we also shut down external chips, put the radio to sleep. We don’t gain much by entering standby mode for short periods of time, like xtimer does. Maybe it does not pay off
  • Maribu: Other optimization potential: Often you don’t want to meet a timer exactly. Batching sleeps could reduce power consumption. sometimes our assuimptions don’t really hold.
  • Maribu (back at SAMD): Ideally we should also add a fix for the hardware.
  • Ben: you can, you just can’t do it automatically, you need to do manual check
  • Maribu: interrupts may happen when about to sleep
  • Ben: that’s a race condition
  • Maribu: it should be possible to fix this
  • Ben: they don’t use RTT for app timouts rather to go to sleep
  • Maribu: still a random thing can happen when about to sleep
  • Ben: you don’t care so much.
  • Kevin: policy flags “i want low power, I want realtime” if you want everything there is probably a manual config to do this. Let’s accept that for these chips
  • Maribu: now that we know this we can discuss and have an effort in this direction
2023.05 VMA Date: 2023-05-09 Time: 14:00 CEST Moderator: Leandro Venue: https://meet.jit.si/RIOT-VMA-2023-05 VMA forum entry: https://forum.riot-os.org/t/virtual-maintainer-assembly-vma-2023-05/3923 Previous VMA pad: https://hackmd.io/y9l8MOKRT7y_a6CqlO_q3A Previous VMA forum entry: https://forum.riot-os.org/t/virtual-maintainer-assembly-vma-2023-02/3859 Attendees (TBD) Leandro Martine Emmanuel Marian Kevin Jose Teufelchen Benpicco Dylan Kaspar Koen Note taking: Leandro Agenda VMA 2023.08 Moderation - 2min (Leandro) 2023.10 Release Manager - 4min (Leandro) Outlook on upcoming 2023.07 Release - 5min (Ben)? Security mailing list and advisories (Martine, 30min?) Summit 2023: current state of organization and proposals for changes in the agenda/format (Oleg, 10min) 2023.04 Release debrief (Kevin & Jose, 30 mins) RTT issue on samd / stm32, what to do (Kaspar, 15min?) Notes VMA 2023.08 Moderation Martine offers to do it :) 2023.10 Release Manager Leandro: volunteers? Martine: need to update tool (ben: https://xkcd.com/1987/) And the tool says… Kevin or Kaspar Kevin: I had so much fun with this one. If nothing comes up I can do it again Martine: Bennet can help Kevin: Sure! Outlook on upcoming 2023.07 Release Ben: No dates so far, will come up with something and post. It will be a nice release :) Security mailing list and advisories Martine: Severeal problems with the security workflow Martine and Chrysn only readt to the mailing list When migrated there was a problem to read the emails Lack of time for so few people Security advisories brought some confusion Martine: do we want to keep sec. adv.? How do we continue? How do we merge fixess? Maribu: In favor of least effort Martine: Easier is is to use github forks but bypasses CI Maribu: regular PR easier? Martine: Yes! Ben: if we fix something not reported do it normally in PR. The few bugs that are reported should not have special treatment Jose: we had bugs that were not reported. Kaspar: +1 for regular PR Maribu: benefits of other workflows? Do we lose anything? Martine: the ‘theater’ was not big of a deal, bugs were not critical (non important or complex to exploit). But it could happen that more critical bugs are reported like that. Maybe gives more exposure to serious bugs if discussed all in the open. Maribu: I don’t think that doiung all this overhead actually helps. let’s fix ASAP and people can update. When we have issues reports people often have old versions of RIOT. Jose: I think the same, we don’t need to open PRs “Fix security…”. There were issues that were fixed after reported. Would not make a huge difference to go over the whole overhead process. Martine: Will provide PR to fix reports (normal PR) Summit 2023: current state of organization and proposals for changes in the agenda/format Oleg not here. Probably can discuss in Forum. 2023.04 Release debrief Kevin: automating release, making it easier. Some topics are: Should we move to a better commit system (ie. conventional commits) Martine: what do you mean? Jose: more info in the commits that one can extract later. eg major fix, feature, ci…etc. Kind of labels but directly from commits. semmantic commit approach. Martine: adding this to the commmit msg? Jose: yes. there are standards. We may benefit from existing tools on this. We can extract deprecation dates, breaking changes of APIs. Hard to do now. Sometimes we rely on maintainers knowing. Kaspar: I tried conventional commits on some personal projects, they are a pain evrn for one. Think rewriting mosts commits, and many commits don’t match anything useful Ben: there’s not always a clear cut between classifications. we have a limit of characters to the commit messages and this may add too much noise. Not so much value Martine: same here, it is already hard to convince people to use our convention and this may make things harder and scare people. Kevin: conventional commits is just an idea. we have a standard (file paths). We should become more independent from github labels. It could also be in the message body. conventional commits can track breaking changes. We have an issue with labeling bot. Sometimes many categories get set when changing something in PRs. Ben: A/B issue? isn’t the issue that we have to generate the list of commits for the releases? mayube the problem is to have this list. do we need it? Jose: exactly, we should get more useful info for users, the list is not useful. Kevin: script that gets the info in the commits instead of PRs titles. flag in commit to be added to notes? Does anyone think that we should add more info in commits? Martine: for release notes we can have more verbose notes, by adding all the text from the commits Jose: we should add less. it is hard so summarize the key changes on the release. Not clear what breaking changes are and what is important. Ben: Chatgpt? Maribu: merge commits? Kevin: contributers commits Martine: merge commits = PRs Maribu: If it is merge commits, it is one hoop less to jump throw for contributors as we maintainers write that message. Kevin: we want to abstract from GH./ We can encode info in the merge commits. Flag the breaking changes. add this in release notes. Martine: can we do this with labels? we already have them, let’s improve them. Why another system Jose: labels you can remove them. we try to automate them. Labels sometimes are not exact Martine: we have type labels. these need to be added by users Ben: We can add more fine-grained labels Martine: labels have the advantage of adding them at any time by maintainers Jose: Can we enforce this? at least the main category, breaking change? Martine: how? Jose: can’t merge without label Martine: when labels not set, someone needs to check Kevin: check for at least one type of label Martine: unify with colors and prefixes for same types Jose: you miss the time of when things happen Martine: in documentation we have deprecations and their dates Jose: we still have features that should’ve been deprecated and still there Martine: A new system would not fix this Jose: Part of the release script, add to the release notes Kevin: we can use labels, adapt the labels to our needs. Adapt labeler to require a category label in PRs. Regarding deprecations: sometimes we forget to remove things, we need to be better at maintaining this. Maybe script that checks for this? Martine: this needs to be done after the release when the feature is deprecated. Sometimes it’s not so trivial to remove it (e.g. alternative functions) Maybe not so easy to automate. Paramaterize boards in release specs test, general cleanup Kevin: lots of release spects specify boards. We want to parameterize boards for the tests instead of saying which board should run the test. Anyone against? Tumbleweed: Rolling by Nope Kevin: I’ll push this. Presenting test artifacts Kevin: we have compile and test for board script. we found that boards are failing. We want to add as an asset to the release the results of the secript. It says what the current state for all boards is. Ben: the test script is a bit too simple / brute force, runs many unit tests that are completetly hardware-independent. Ben: actual board tests require some Ben: they are unit tests and simple. Manytimes there are connection issues and reported as test errors. For some tests we need HW connections and running only the script does not provide enough value. We need to improve tests and provide instructions on how to run tests that actually test hardware and boards (e.g. uart gpios,…) Kevin: sometimes we think that some things are HW independent and affec no boards, but sometimes they still fail. Running through the whole suite is not so costly? Ben: false positives negatives are the costs. You can’t tell if there are real issues hiding in the results due to false positives negatives Kevin: running with incremental flags shouls help with that Martine: false positives?? Kevin: false negatives! :) we should change our test to prevent false negatives. there’s going to be a spec that says how to setup the board Maribu: that’s make test-with-config Kevin: I agree it’s not always easy to find the bugs, but we should work torwards fixing the flaky tests and we should have more confidence in the boards and the tests that were run on those boards for the release cycle. Maribu: when I run the script I find real bugs. But many times it takes 1 hour per board. around 4 hours for a full cycle. if would optimize we could get the same output in less time. why do we have so many failing tests? I don’t get this so often Kevin: a lot of the false negatives come from the iotlab tests. on local setup (8 boards) had to run multiple times and there were repeateable bugs. I used docker and a toolchain issue is still an issue. I think it’s valuable. We should get it to the point where the valyue is less compared to the time it takes Maribu: our scripts could be improved, sometimes it has the output of the test program and matches. It should check that the flashed app is the correct one. (flashing is working). we need to update the tests when we update the applications, otherwise it’s flaky Kevin: worth doing? attaching the results of the tests to the release? Ben: it makes sense to add selected tests to the release. having 20 tests that actually test the hardware are more valuable than 200 tests of packages. Kevin: we need a flag “only hadware” for running these tests whith the script Martine: the problem with the script defines no configuration, not which configuration Maribu: arduino shield that provides whatever the test requires for a lot of tests (e.g. wiring) Kevin: phillip! meant for the peripheral tests Maribu: it would be super cool! Even just a connection eg between RX and TX for uart would help. Phillip would even be better because it would catch wrong UART communication parameters (e.g. symbol rate not as configured) that a “loopback wire” woudldn’t Kevin: OK :D attaching results to release? no strong opinions Moving the automated release specs tests into main RIOT repo to encourage more testing Jose: many of the release tests are integration tests that we can’t run everyday in the RIOT repo. Why have them separated? Martine: they are more release specific. The weekly run was an experiment. But nothing speaks against moving the tests and specs to RIOT as a subdir. Jose: we can now run this in a weekly bases Jose: can we move them to the RIOT repo? Martine: yes (and we do already weeklies; also for test-on-iotlab and test-on-ryot)! Martine: we can just move them like we dis with the apps repo. just a subtree in RIOT repo Kevin: deprecation process Leandro: let’s separate removing flanky tests and migration Kevin: ok let’s move them Martine: In last 4 weeks no failures at all! we move them to RIOT Better method of deprecation, more than reading through doxygen (we could just grep for deprecations commits if we had convetional commits) Jose: how do we treat deprecations? there’s docs but we always fail to deprecate and remove features timely Martine: scroll through the list manually: https://doc.riot-os.org/deprecated.html Jose: hard to track Martine: do release managers feel responsible for deprecated features from other releases? Leandro: current rmanager should be responsible Kevin: I tried deprecating xtimer but it was complicated and takes time. You can;t ask the manager to do the removal but push to get it done Martine: deprecation is always after the release. When I do the release I cleanup deprecations. It should be documented in the release manager wiki page => current release manager pushes to remove deprecated features and do cleanup of deprecated features Kevin: the goal are continous releases where no one has to do anything Release notes generation could be improved since things that should be, say pkg, are tagged as boards, requires lots of manual checking Kevin it was an OK release! RTT issue on samd / stm32, Maribu: My highlevel understanding of the issue Kaspar wants to pick up is: HW sucks and we add sugar on top to make it work. for stm32 this will likely work, for samd HW is broken beyond repair. If we don’t use RTT we don’t have the time penalty but don’t have low power. For samd we can’t have realtime with low power. The best would be to fix the timer in samd with some magic. It will lock the system for some cycles when RTT is written, not even interrupts. Unacceptable long. What to do? Picking the RTT as default for all timer msec in platforms. Mark platforms where the RTT does not work? Leandro: remove feature? Maribu: Would prevent low power. Which now works (if not caring for real time) Ben: we can’t full automate the standby mode. We use RTT when we go to sleep for a long time in our case. We would only use the standby mode when sleeping for long times (seconds or minutes). Then we also shut down external chips, put the radio to sleep. We don’t gain much by entering standby mode for short periods of time, like xtimer does. Maybe it does not pay off Maribu: Other optimization potential: Often you don’t want to meet a timer exactly. Batching sleeps could reduce power consumption. sometimes our assuimptions don’t really hold. Maribu (back at SAMD): Ideally we should also add a fix for the hardware. Ben: you can, you just can’t do it automatically, you need to do manual check Maribu: interrupts may happen when about to sleep Ben: that’s a race condition Maribu: it should be possible to fix this Ben: they don’t use RTT for app timouts rather to go to sleep Maribu: still a random thing can happen when about to sleep Ben: you don’t care so much. Kevin: policy flags “i want low power, I want realtime” if you want everything there is probably a manual config to do this. Let’s accept that for these chips Maribu: now that we know this we can discuss and have an effort in this direction